SBA Board Meeting Minutes- 1.16.17

SBA Board Meeting- Minutes 1.16.17

SBA Board Meeting Agenda (1/16/17)


  1. Call to Order @ 6:01 – Nikki
    1. Roll call: Nikki, Mary, Aoibheann, Rachel, Britt, Brandon, Chanel, Chris, Elise, Tyler, Sylvia. (Absent: Navi, Sarah)
  2. Approve minutes for 11/13/16 meeting
    1. Mtn to Approve: Chanel, Second: Rachel
  3. Approve Agenda for 1/16/17
    1. Mtn to approve: Chanel, Second: Chris
  4. Meet our new board members again
    1. Chris Nielsen – 1L Evening (1L Evening Rep)
    2. Elise Rice – 1L Day (1L Day Rep)
  5. Treasurer Update
    1. Over 26000 to spend for semester, SBA spent under 12,000
    2. This upcoming semester- Rebekah has encouraged us to spend the money
    3. Write a letter to club presidents to fund student activities
    4. Mary- reimbursement process is a pain, may be why clubs are not requesting funds
    5. Sylvia- when does money hit account, before or after event?
      1. Rachel- once a request has been in, club account can go into red as long as money will be put into the account
      2. Rachel- purchases over $100 access to credit card?
        1. Mary- MILS is getting access to credit card for an upcoming event
        2. Nikki- confirm OK with Rebekah before announcing access to credit card
      3. Funding Requests
        1. MILS
Name of Chartered Student Organization (Primary Organizer) McGeorge International Law Society
Co-Sponsor(s) * None
Event or Activity Name * International Law Career Talk with Professors Dajani and Wong
Has this event or activity been approved by the Office of Student Affairs? * In progress (Event Request Form already submitted)
Date your event or activity will take place * Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Please describe the event or activity you are proposing * Professors Dajani and Wong will give a talk about the various career paths available to students interested in international law.
Total estimated cost of event * $225.00
Total amount you are requesting from the SBA * $225.00
How much money do you currently have in your organization’s account? (be exact) * $150.00
Will this activity be open to the entire student body? * Yes
How many participants are you expecting? * 30
What is this number based on? Prior attendance? RSVPs? Interest expressed on Facebook? Or…? * Based on prior attendance and interest in the topic.
How do you plan to advertise this event? * Email, Facebook, and chalking the boards.
Do you (or a club representative) plan on presenting this funding request, in person, at an upcoming SBA meeting? (Required if your request is over $250) * Not Required (request is under $250)
How do you anticipate the SBA funds will be used (check all that apply) * ·         Food & nonalcoholic drinks
Line Item Breakdown of Expenses (The costs associated with the items checked above must be included. Funding requests will NOT be granted without a sufficient line item breakdown of expenses.)* All of the funding will go towards being able to provide food at the event.
Name * Melissa Aristizabal
Phone Number * (916) 617-6623
Email *
Title * President


– Mary: some funding from CDO, but need more

– Chanel- Mtn to approve, Second- Chris, Abstain- Mary

Name of Chartered Student Organization (Primary Organizer)   

Federal Bar Association





Event or Activity Name



Student Networking Mixer

Has this event or activity been approved by the Office of Student Affairs?



In progress (Event Request Form already submitted)

Date your event or activity will take place


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Please describe the event or activity you are proposing



A student networking event in anticipation of upcoming IPSA and FBA networking events. The mixer is designed to give students an opportunity to practice networking in a simulated professional networking event without the pressure of practicing attorneys.

Total estimated cost of event



Total amount you are requesting from the SBA



How much money do you currently have in your organization’s account? (be exact)



Will this activity be open to the entire student body?




How many participants are you expecting?




What is this number based on? Prior attendance? RSVPs? Interest expressed on Facebook? Or…?



Club Participation

How do you plan to advertise this event?



Facebook, docket, club emails, and classroom advertising

Do you (or a club representative) plan on presenting this funding request, in person, at an upcoming SBA meeting? (Required if your request is over $250)




How do you anticipate the SBA funds will be used (check all that apply)




·         Food & nonalcoholic drinks


·         Alcoholic drinks


Line Item Breakdown of Expenses (The costs associated with the items checked above must be included. Funding requests will NOT be granted without a sufficient line item breakdown of expenses.)



Food and soft drinks $250

Alcoholic beverages $150





Phone Number


(916) 233-5305








– Mtn to approve: Chanel, Second: Chris, Abstain- Aoibheann


  1. Barrister Ball request
    1. Out of money to allow students who want to go to be able to attend.
    2. Budgeted for 200 tickets
  • 35 officially on waitlist
  1. Bring up total to 250- main gallery and rent second floor balcony for cocktail tables and bar ($800), catering $4400 food and extra bar, glassware and staff, security guard ($200), $750 alcohol – $6,397
  2. Tickets at $50 each, need $3900 to add 50 guests
    1. Requesting an even $4000 to supplement the additional tickets
  3. Brandon- is there enough space for 1st floor- would be at capacity seated, 2nd floor would open space for a dance floor
  • Tables pushed closer to buffet
  • Rachel- last year’s totals were used to budget for approx. 150 people
  1. Original budget $1500
  2. Nikki- event costs more out of SBA budget fees of fees that students must pay ($100) in student tuition
  3. Student loan persons are included in the 200 count
  • Nikki concern- after waitlist only 15 extra tickets
    1. Can’t seat more than 250, so capped at 250
    2. Cut off by Thursday or Friday, or when additional 50 have been sold whichever is first
  • Waitlist people will be emailed first, then advertised for extra tickets
    1. Give waitlist 24-hour window
  • Mtn to approve- Chanel, Second- Mary
  1. Request for printing funds from treasurer
    1. Separate print card for SBA not on individual’s cards
    2. Nikki- will talk to James in Library about getting us a card
      1. Mtn for SBA print card- $50
      2. Mtn to approve- Rachel, Second- Chris, Abstain- Chanel
  • Reason for abstain- Chanel feels it is the CSO office’s job to support the treasurer and should be printing SBA documents
  1. Update from Half-Way There committee
    1. Moved from December
    2. 85 RSVP’s, 35 showed up (50 no shows)
      1. Should be presented to colleagues that if you RSVP you need to show up so it wastes free money from SBA for student enjoyment
    3. Wasted $2000 of student’s money
      1. Money could have been spent in a different event
    4. Nikki- SBA board needs to show up to an event – as an elected officer board members need to be present
    5. Dean search also an issue in lack of board attendance
    6. Tyler- suggests a nominal $5 fee as a hold on a ticket to give incentive to attend
    7. Sylvia- your word should reflect your RSVP, money should not be needed to honor your RSVP
    8. Mary- bad words were said about the event. If there are adverse opinions on the event, please bring to the board members who are hosting
  2. Update from Barrister committee
  3. Discuss budget for MLS students end of the year party
    1. Master of Science of Law
    2. How can SBA provide specialized support?
    3. How many students are in the program – approx. 50
    4. Set up a meeting to get information on how we can provide better support
      1. Explain to students that MSL students are welcome at JD events
    5. Chris- suggest MSL spot on the board
      1. There has been a previous issue of adding that spot
      2. Britt- Rep at Large is supposed to have a meeting with them
  • Sylvia- open a Facebook page
  1. MSL students are welcome to attend SBA meetings
  1. End of Year party- non-JD students that pay into SBA dues
    1. 40-60 people
    2. Rachel- proposes $1500
      1. Nikki- $1000
      2. Mary- allow additional funds if requested
  • Brandon plan the party as Rep at Large
  1. Mtn to Approve $1000- Sylvia, Second- Britt
  2. #Mastered – end of year party hashtag
  1. Dean Search update
    1. Michael Hunter Schwartz- new Dean
      1. Brings positive notoriety in legal community- scholarship, books, etc.
    2. Nikki- school is headed in a good direction
    3. Start date July 1
  2. Commencement speaker discussion (inside or outside or both)
    1. Professor may be more meaningful- personal connection to school and students
    2. Poll- most students said yes to both inside and outside, but all preferred inside professors
    3. Sylvia- supports inside professor
    4. Chanel- also supports inside professor
    5. Traditionally it is an outside speaker
    6. Brandon- supports inside professor, but outside speaker for notoriety. Can we vet the speaker?
      1. No, based on speaker’s popularity supplemented with outline suggestion
    7. Chanel- known McGeorge alumni as speaker
    8. Chris- suggests McGeorge alumni legislators
    9. Rachel- suggest Mayor Elect Steinberg, also Zach Morazini
    10. – appointed and oversee all CA judges
      1. Nikki- can’t reach out on personal connection because of selection process
    11. Chanel- CDO response on job boards taking down posts and slow posting


  1. Events for the spring semester for the budget


  1. International law week- hinges on Dajani
  2. IP Week- Jan 23-26
  3. Wellness Week? – week before spring break
  4. Diversity week- Feb 13-17
  5. Intramural basketball- Sylvia
    1. Start in Feb
    2. Want funds for scoreboards and a ref
  • Will be tournament style- winner get shirts and trophy
  1. End of Year BBQ:
    1. Rachel- big end of year BBQ with bounce houses and ice cream, etc.
    2. Chanel- BLSA already hosts a bounce house type of BBQ and this may take away from their event
  2. Finals Concerns
    1. Brandon- student expressed dissatisfaction with finals schedule and having evening finals. Student would prefer morning finals only. Bringing up concern on student’s behalf
  3. Welcome back breakfast?
    1. Nikki- there is a lot going on. Finals week breakfast instead
    2. $2000 was the cost for finals week breakfast
    3. Finals week breakfast was a huge hit!
  4. Dates for future meetings- Sunday @ 6
    1. Next meeting Jan 29th and every other week after that
  5. Chris to edit bylaws from Rebekah- Nikki to send suggested edits
  6. Adjourn @7:23 Nikki (all members in favor of adjournment)







About Anthony Crisostomo

Student Bar Association President 2015 - 2016
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