General Meeting Minutes 9/19

Ernesto Falcon, Meeting called to order 5:33 p.m. (Minutes taken by Stephen Guichard)

  • Attendance
    • In-Person
      • President- Ernesto Falcon
      • Day Vice President- Shoeb Mohammed
      • Evening Vice President- Lexi Howard
        • Lexi Howard had a family emergency and left meeting at 5:44
      • Treasurer- Neil Cacali
      • Third Year Evening Representative- Stephen Guichard
      • Second Year Day Representive- Anthony Crisostomo
    • Online:
      • Fourth Year Evening Representative- Dustin Kirby
      • Third Year Day Representative- Navdeep Singh
      • Second Year Evening Representative- Megan Donaghey
    • Absent
      • Secretary- Kate Casey (Minutes taken by Stephen Guichard)
      • Representative-at-Large- Aparna Agnihotri
    • Quorum Satisfied (9-2)
  • #1 Ernesto Falcon Moves to approve agenda.
    • Seconded by Anthony Crisostomo
    • 8-0, Motion Passes
  • #2 Ernesto Falcon moves to approve the minutes from September 3rd & 10th Meetings of the 2014 year.
    • Seconded by Neil Cacali
    • 8-0, Motion Passes
  • #3 CSO Funding Request from Military Law Society
    • Jasper Casey, President of McG, MLS, presents on Military Law Society funding request for $500. Highlights how event will focus on issues women face in the military. (concluded at 5:45).
      • Jasper Casey reduces the request to $400.
      • Neil Cacali asks how much is designated for promotion?
        • Jasper Casey states originally $200, and expresses that might be ambitious; the total will be $300 for food, and $100 for advertiSingh totaling $400.
      • Ernesto Falcon asks about the people speaking?
        • Jasper Casey: It will be a mixture of combat veterans
          • Highlight will be a female veteran whom is a current FBI employee and former law enforcement officer
      • Lexi Howard asks about marketing to make sure it is clear it is open for all and not just women?
        • Jasper Casey states a marketing theme had not been decided yet, and notes that will be a good idea.
      • Jasper states he is attempting to get this event MCLE credit, in order to bring in outside community.
      • Stephen Guichard asks if the MCLE credit is granted, is there a plan to change the food to something that maybe cheaper, more expensive, or different?
        • Jasper Casey states they have considered that and might be adjusted but the budget would not change and the box lunches on first consideration seem the most affordable and simplest to distribute.
      • Stephen Guichard asks about gifts for speakers, whether it comes out of the MLS account since it is not budgeted?
        • Jasper Casey says they would cover that.
      • Jasper Casey states they now have, after dues payments, about $800 in their account
      • Neil Cacali moves to fund the event at $400
        • Seconded by Shoeb Mohammed
        • 7-0, Motion Passes
          • (Lexi Howard noted she wanted to vote AYE, but had a family emergency and departed from meeting prior to vote)
  • #4 Election Code changes for 1L Election
    • 8-3, attendance; president cannot vote therefore:
      • Without Lexi Howard we do not have the required votes to make changes to the Election code
    • Ernesto Falcon suggests meeting on Wednesday briefly for this Singhle issue
    • Navdeep Singhh gives update on meeting he attended with the elections committee
    • Dustin Kirby comments on Facebook issues with past elections
      • Admins could post on Facebook run pages
      • There are now additional admins on Pacific McGeorge Students numbering more than last year, and they need the approval of all admins to allow student postings. They are still waiting for approval.
    • Navdeep Singhh addresses that the SBA Election’s Committee needs an appropriation.
      • Neil Cacali corrects and states they don’t have $0, they actually have $200
        • Stephen Guichard comments that was for the production of ballots, but with the implementation of digital/online voting that can be used now for advertisement of elections dates and times
    • The elections petition meeting for 1L/1E candidates will be next Tuesday 12-1 & 5-6
    • Neil Cacali brings up topic of food for a debate, Navdeep Singhh states the elections committee is not there yet.
      • Ernesto Falcon says that because of the bylaws requirements for petitions and other specific time period requisites we don’t need to address that until a later date.
    • Ernesto Falcon moves to have SBA to approve of the Election Code Guidance Document for use by the elections committee
      • Seconded by Stephen Guichard
        • 7-0, Motion Passes
  • #5 Anthony Crisostomo presents on his proposed 2L ice cream social
    • Anthony Crisostomo states that this would not be exclusive, he would not prevent other classes from participating or ask non-2L’s to leave, but he will target his advertiSingh explicitly to the 2L class.
      • Mentions that this could be a starting point for future bylaws changes to have set asides for a division focused event
      • Anthony Crisostomo is requesting $250
    • Ernesto Falcon poses the afformentioned “future question” to the reps present to inquire their thoughts
      • Dustin Kirby states there are enough events already, and the funds are fine
        • Dustin Kirby could get behind a coffee night, doing small things for class bonding
      • Stephen Guichard says that making a small appropriation to a CSO-type account that the rep controls would be a good idea for small actions and class bonding whether it be coffee etc. For larger events like this it would create a framework for submitting these requests the same way clubs do, so that it can be reviewed thoroughly by the board. Notes we are currently operating outside of established bylaws because this is a precedential situation.
      • Megan Donaghey says this is a good idea and likes what Stephen says to make reps similar to CSO’s to make requests for a expensive events, and to have a “kitty” (account) to be managed by the rep to do things for their class.
      • Navdeep Singh says he thinks similar along what has been mentioned and the amount appropriate should be based off a per student count so that it is correct for different sized classes.
      • Neil Cacali agrees with Navdeep Singh’s per student fund basis and suggests capping the accounts somewhere under or around $250, to conform with other funding and event policies.
    • Ernesto Falcon asks about changing or restricting the end of the year designated party systems; specifically including the 2Es at the halfway there party?
      • Megan Donaghey states that then gets 2Es two halfway there parties since 3Es also attend the halfway there party
      • Ernesto Falcon jests that perhaps undergoing 4 years of law school warrants 2 halfway there parties.
    • Neil Cacali would like to see the reps meet first and plan out their separate “large” events that would be to scale with this proposed ice cream social. That way one or more classes don’t end up without an event while other classes have an event. Also if all the events are planned, submitted, and appropriated and it gives certainty to the accounts of the treasury.
      • Ernesto Falcon states that he isn’t sure about grouping everyone’s responsibilities, and that the classes could hold their rep responsible if they do not do their diligence and throw an event or specifically a good event.
      • Neil Cacali would like to have reps meet and just plan some idea for an event, at least a brainstorm.
    • Anthony Crisostomo would have liked to do the 2L ice cream social by the 25th of September, but the 2nd will be more likely and the 9th of October more realistic.
    • Ernesto Falcon suggests taking the board take the weekend to come up with a per student amount to be allocated and then the board take this up and vote on it at the brief Wednesday meeting.
  • #6 Garden committee proposed budget
    • The chairs of the SBA Garden Committee submitted a proposed budget for the year’s expenses that totaled $992.24
    • Neil Cacali points out that the water is going to be an issue this year, McGeorge is cutting back water and this would be a likely area to cut back usage that doesn’t affect campus operations as compared to others.
    • Megan Donaghey states that at her home it wasn’t wise to throw money at a personal fruit, vegetable, and herb garden because of the water issues, and she is on the fence about the proposed budget.
    • Navdeep Singhh is against this proposed budget because it is a lot of money for something that supports a small minority interest on campus
    • Neil Cacali notifies us that garden has changed its operating routine; they aren’t charging for a plot anymore. It is a complimentary part of being at McGeorge simply request a plot
    • Ernesto Falcon suggests funding in part from the mentorship program since he is done with mentorship events and there are some funds available. Ernesto wonders if the lack of use by students is from a lack of student awareness and the underfunding of the garden in the past by SBA.
    • Stephen Guichard: this budget looks like a combination of what is necessary to make the garden run and other items, which are more luxurious. Specifically the worm composting as opposed to a simple composter, the hose reel, and greenhouse. He would like to support the garden, but thinks this budget should be linked together with a more strategic plan for making it self-sustaining. Specifically going back to a rental fee per plot or if the committee wishes for it to remain open to all students without charge then produce should be sold to students at an arranged date for farmers market or to the campus restaurant. The main point is that it should bring in some sort of revenue to sustain itself. The other issue with the items listed is it seems like there is no plan to deal with the fact the school is reducing its water consumption or paying more for water, and the garden is not addresSingh future outlook except through the water meter. There needs to be some thought about rain-barrel collectors to water the garden in the future. He suggests since this is the committee he is supposed to be the contact/point person, that the board increase appropriation to half of what asked for and he will reach out to give ideas, have a more strategic vision implemented, and represented to the board for future planning/non-essential costs.
    • Shoeb Mohammed states he would like to see a more strategic plan, and something that shows more sustainability going forward. Wants to see this bring in some money to off-set costs.
    • Neil Cacali has seen what is out there, and past productions. He knows they do a good job and in the past they have put money out of their own pockets, and that is not fair. He also realizes that the return in the past has been minimal because it is farming. He is not opposed but slightly pessimistic about putting student money towards it.
    • Navdeep Singhh simply thinks this is not a popular hobby in general
    • Neil Cacali suggests transforming this committee into a club where people pay dues to help fund it.
      • He suggests funding it to get it off the ground, and then getting rid of the committee because it has not had a sustainability vision and deals mostly with the garden like a club and not an SBA committee. As a club they could fund their activities through dues.
    • Megan Donaghey states that if it is to stay a committee then they need to be working to actually implement real sustainability like on other campuses.
      • On other campuses they implement recycling, look at water reductions, efficiency of features and appliances, work with administrators to implement green initiatives, compost waste from school restaurants, and produce fruits and vegetables for student centers and restaurants.
    • Stephen Guichard concurs with Megan.
    • Ernesto suggests providing at least half funding and having the committee SBA member (Stephen) check in and get some feedback from the committee
    • Ernesto motions for an increase of $300 to fund the Committee at $500
      • Seconded by Shoeb Mohammed
      • 3-4, Motion fails
        • Aye  Shoeb Mohammed, Anthony Crisostomo, and Stephen Guichard
        • Noes Neil Cacali, Navdeep Singhh, Megan Donaghey, Dustin Kirby
    • Dustin Kirby moves to appropriate $200 more to bring budget to $400
      • Seconded by ________
      • 5-2, Motion passes
        • Aye  Shoeb Mohammed, Anthony Crisostomo, Stephen Guichard, Megan Donaghey, Dustin Kirby
        • Noes  Neil Cacali & Navdeep Singhh
          • Neil: votes No because he would like to see it become a club or have the subject brought to the committee.
  • #7 1L Midterm panel
    • Ernesto Falcon Move to fund at $120 combined
      • Seconded by Dustin Kirby
      • 7-0, Motion passes
  • #8 Oktoberfest funded by Lexis Nexis and sponsored by SBA
    • Event could be Oct. 16th
      • Anthony Crisostomo points out there is a GLS assignment due and that might not be good
    • Navdeep Singh, states the 23rd is a Crim Law Society practitioner series
    • Shoeb Mohammed moves to approve moving forward with event planning
      • Seconded by Stephen Guichard
      • 7-0, motion passes
  • #9 SBA appointments by Ernesto Falcon
    • Ernesto Falcon moves for approval of nominations to joint faculty-student committees:
      • Curriculum Committee
        • Jason Miller
        • Catherine Joyce
        • Natalie McCullough
      • Grading and Advancement Committee
        • Robert Mayville
        • Selena Farnesi
      • Tenure Committee
        • Alexander Khan
      • Seconded by Anthony Crisostomo
      • 7-0, Motion passes
  • Ernesto Falcon motions to adjourn
    • Seconded by Shoeb Mohammed
    • 7-0, Motion passes  Meeting adjourns
  • Next meeting will be Wednesday the 24th

About Ernesto Falcon

Ernesto Falcon is the Student Bar Association President for the 2014-2015 term. His goals are to help build a McGeorge student community and to maximize the professional opportunities for students.
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