Ballot Record 3/1

Funding Policy amendment
A motion was made by Third Year Evening Representative Guichard to strike out the words “non-alcoholoic and” so that our funding policy category reads as follows:
iv. Food and Drink. Funds may be used for food and drink that is consistent with Pacific McGeorge’s food policy.

Lexi Howard
Aparna Agnihotri
Neil Cacali
Chanel Saidi
Shoeb Mohammed
Stephen Guichard
Anthony Crisostomo
Christina Godfrey
Megan Donaghey

Dustin Kirby
Kate Casey


Comments for the record

“As representatives of the school and student body, I think it’s important to refrain from funding alcohol. It could get SBA in a situation that the organization may not want to be in, even if the “food policy” (which is made by Mr. Hennessey according to what Bon Appetit needs at that time) says that it’s okay.” –Kate Casey

Election Code Amendment
Under Section 1.11 of the Election Code, unanimous consent is required by the SBA Board to open the Election Code to amendments. If unanimous consent is not achieved, then the following amendment is void. The relevant provision reads as follows:
(a) No amendments can be made to the Election Code once the petition meeting has been held unless a unanimous vote by the entire SBA Board then in office to open the Election Code to amendments occurs.
Do you agree to open the Election Code to amendments? *

The SBA Board agreed by unanimous consent of all thirteen Board members

The following amendment was proposed by Fourth Year Evening Representative Kirby
The amendment would strike out the words “including graduating individuals of the Membership and substitute the following language —- (a) All individuals of the Membership excluding graduated members or members graduating in the academic year of the election being held, are eligible to cast one (1) vote for candidates for each Executive Office (EO) position and one (1) vote for their respective Representative (Rep.) position.

All SBA Board members voted aye.

Comments for the record

“Was not present for the meeting. Not enough information to make an informed vote.”-Megan Donaghey

LLSA funding request
Please refer to the funding request found on the March 1st, 2015 Agenda for details

A motion was made to fully fund the event by 1st Year Evening Representative Christina Godfrey. An inquiry was made as to what is the maximum level of funding available to any on student club under our Policies.

After reviewing the relevant provisions, the SBA President under Article 10 of the Bylaws provides that following interpretation (this may be overridden by a simple majority vote at our next meeting):
Section 1.01 and 1.02 of the funding policy must be read together as part of the SPONSORED ACTIVITY GRANT FUNDING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES section. Therefore, the startup funds received by any one club is part of its $3,000 cap for the school year.
The following provisions apply to this motion:
Section 1.01 Eligibility for Sponsored Activity Grant Funding.
(g) No more than $3,000 shall be given to any organization in one (1) school year.
Section 1.02 Start Up Funds.
(a) SBA will approve requests for $150.00 or less in start-up funds to CSOs who apply for such funds within the month of August.
(h) SBA shall review all funding allocations. Funding allocations must be approved by a simple majority vote, unless the allocation is for more than $1,000.00 then it must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of SBA Board members that are not conflicted per the Bylaws.
Section 1.03 Events for Profit, Charity, or Scholarships.
(a) Clawback provisions- If an event makes a profit the CSO will be required to refund SBA the full amount of money granted or the full profit, whichever is less. The CSO must refund SBA whether or not the profit is for the CSO, charity, or a Pacific McGeorge Scholarship. If an event intends to make a profit but is unsuccessful in doing so, the CSO is not required to refund SBA.
(b) Matching funds – If an event’s proceeds are going towards a charity or CSO scholarship, the CSO may request 1:1 matching funds. No refund to the SBA will be required for matching funds.
(c) A CSO may request a combination of funds (Clawback and Matching) subject to subsection (a) and (b) restrictions.
Interpretation of Bylaws and Policies
Section 10.01
The President shall interpret these Bylaws and Policies for the Board and publish on the SBA Blog or successor website such interpretation upon request of a Board Member prior to the next meeting. Any Board Member may object and override the President’s interpretation with a simple majority vote of the SBA Board at the meeting following publication.
Motion to fund LLSA event at $2850 in clawback funds per Section 1.03(a) *
The Treasurer will seek clawback of funds to SBA after the event depending on its profits

Motion to fund LLSA event at $2850 in clawback funds per Section 1.03(a)

Ayes -9

Lexi Howard
Aparna Agnihotri
Neil Cacali
Chanel Saidi
Shoeb Mohammed
Stephen Guichard
Anthony Crisostomo
Christina Godfrey
Navdeep Singh

Nays- 0

Abstains- 3

Dustin Kirby
Kate Casey
Megan Donaghey
(SBA President is conflicted out as a board member of LLSA)

About Kate Casey

Kate Casey is the 2014-2015 Student Bar Association Secretary.
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