Ashish Bhatt (3D)

Name: Ashish Bhatt

Year/Division: 3D

Which activities and organizations are you involved with at McGeorge? Public Legal Services Society, Middle Eastern/South Asian Association

What is your favorite part about law school and/or McGeorge? My favorite parts are McGeorge’s advocacy program and the copious local opportunities to get real legal experience. Hiring committees tell me they truly respect McGeorge graduates. Why? Because we learn trial advocacy and legal writing like nobody’s business.

What are your hobbies outside of law school? Movies, TV (Breaking Bad!), Photoshop, and music. No, really, I tried to finish reading cases early every day so I could spend time looking up new music. I’m also an advisor to a community service organization for UC Davis undergrads, which is a nice outlet.

What was the most memorable moment from your first year of law school? The time our entire class dressed up like Professor Coletta? Or maybe the time everyone in our class pranked Professor Landers by handing her a note to say we didn’t do the reading. Or the time Professor Wong told us to use both sides of our blue books because “the tree is already dead. You may as well make the most of it.” Who knows. 1L was rough, but some choice moments got me by.

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