Carla Robertson (2D)

Name: Carla Robertson

Year/Division: 2D

Which activities and organizations are you involved with at McGeorge? APALSA, Phi Alpha Delta (PAD), First Year Mock Trial Competition, ADR Club’s Negotiation Competition

What is your favorite part about law school and/or McGeorge? My favorite part about law school is finally being able to learn everything that I’ve been yearning to learn for so many years of my life, but my favorite part about McGeorge is the people that I have met.

What are your hobbies outside of law school? My hobbies outside of law school include baking, cooking, photography, scrapbooking, shopping, snorkeling, and reading.

What was the most memorable moment from your first year of law school? Probably my spring semester study group. We started meeting about a month before finals began, but we went over class materials and prepped for exams all while remembering to make it fun and to relax at times.

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