Selena Farnesi (2D)

Name: Selena Farnesi

Year/Division: 2D

Which activities and organizations are you involved with at McGeorge? I am currently the SBA Secretary.  I have always enjoyed student government and had a passion for politics so SBA is a really great place for me to exercise those interests.  Additionally, I am a member of the Capital Lawyering Certificate (another wonderful opportunity for the politically oriented) and the Advocacy Certificate.  The Advocacy Certificate ensures I can take classes that will help me the best advocate I can on paper and in the court room so its great for people who are interest in working at the trial level. I also work with the Trial Advocacy Association (which bolsters my Advocacy Certificate experience) and won the 1st year Mock Trial Competition.  I am currently trying out for the Mock Trial Competition Team… so I’ll keep you posted!

What is your favorite part about law school and/or McGeorge? The lawn chairs – I love the McGeorge goes out of its way to make this campus feel like an inviting and relaxing space.  I love that at McGeorge you are part of a community.  Its so important to me to be able to turn o my peers for help, advice, and support so I am grateful that McGeorge really fosters those connections and promotes a healthy, happy, and community focused atmosphere.  Also I love the food! I toured many a law school… most didn’t even have their own cafeteria, let alone a cafeteria that makes food as good as what we have here. I’m constantly stalking out all the campus events with free catering!

What are your hobbies outside of law school? Law school can be very sedentary, and while it might be draining on your brain a lot of the time your body is on the back burner so when I’m not studying I like to try to be rally active.  I love rock climbing, hiking, going to the lake, and generally being in the sun and in the water. Also, I love to shop! Maybe that doesn’t sound like being active… but let me tell you, mall walking and bargain hunting could be an Olympic sport!

What was the most memorable moment from your first year of law school?  I loved my first year, it was the hardest I had ever worked in my life, but I made some great friends that I know I’ll have for a lifetime and learned from some of the best professors! I loved all the school events – the Women’s Caucus Silent Auction and Barristers Ball (which we fondly refer to as LAW BALL!!!!) were some of my favorites.

Career Goals: I haven’t decided what I am going to do after law school just yet. I am currently completing both the Capital Lawyering Certificate and the Advocacy Certificate in hopes of figuring it out!  I think I’ll either go into some sort of political law career (maybe legislative council, or a lobbyist, or election enforcement work) or otherwise I’ll be an advocate at the trial level – I have always enjoyed Mock Trial so maybe that will be a good fit for me. Or, quite frankly, maybe I won’t be a lawyer at all – I have also considered working in education administration or being a talk show host (ß don’t laugh I would totally rock The View).

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