Kastle Lund (2D)

Name: Kastle Lund

Year/Division: 2D

Which activities and organizations are you involved with at McGeorge? International Law Society, Alternative Dispute Resolution Club

What is your favorite part about law school and/or McGeorge? The sense of community and the intensity of the work

What are your hobbies outside of law school? Rock Climbing, Sewing, My 2-year-old daughter

What was the most memorable moment from your first year of law school? Seeing my mid term grades. Huge sigh of relief.

Additional Information: Although I am a day student, I would probably better fit a night student as a mentor both in my age and in understanding the juggling of priorities. Although I do not work more than 10 hours a week (if that) I am the principle in a family-owned business, and I am a wife and a mom. I understand the stress of competing priorities.

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