Emily Allyn (2D)

Name: Emily Allyn

Year/Division: 2D

Which activities and organizations are you involved with at McGeorge?  IM Volleyball Captain (first year), Mentor for Intl Exchange Students, APALSA, Water Law Society, International Law Society, PAD Community Service Chairperson, Fitclub, Student Ambassador.

What is your favorite part about law school and/or McGeorge? It’s hard as everyone says it is, but it’s nice meeting that challenge. I’ve learned so much this past year, not just about the law, but also about myself. It’s an all-engaging experience that teaches so much and allows for so many opportunities.

What are your hobbies outside of law school? Crew and other sports and sewing.

What was the most memorable moment from your first year of law school? The time Professor Vitiello went through 6 people with the same question, then called on me. He asked me, and I said I didn’t want to answer because it was a scary question. He looked at me for a second, then chuckled and moved onto a different topic.

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