For the Ladies – Powering Up for Your Workout

For the Ladies
For whatever reason, it seems like women fear weight training. I regularly encounter women at the gym who do an up to a full hour of cardio and then just leave. I can count on one hand the number of women I’ve seen using the bench press. Perhaps they are afraid of getting too bulky, like Arnold Schwarzenegger circa 1970. However, that is simply not true.

Check out this link for a photo of Schwarzenegger and his famous physique. While it is impressive, I think we can all agree that he wouldn’t look cute in a dress.

It is not physically possible for women to bulk up the same way men seem to do the second they pick up a set weights. We lack the ability to produce the same amount of testosterone as men, which is the key “culprit” behind a man’s ability to get big. The vast majority of female bodybuilders use anabolic steroids. Just stay away from these, and strength training can help you attain the flab-melting exercise regime that you’ve always dreamed of. Chances are that if you are just doing cardio, you’re not getting the results that you would like, and are still a little on the “mushy” side.

Those adorable pink hand weights aren’t going to make the cut, though. The principle is simple, really: muscles react to resistance. If you don’t use enough of it, you’re wasting your time. Please also remember that lifting big doesn’t entitle you to eat whatever your want. The cardinal rule that a body is made with 20% exercise and 80% diet will still apply to you.
For a great article on this topic, check out

The Protein Bar Myth
Picture the following scenario: you’re an hour deep into your evening Wills and Trusts class. You’re stomach begins to gurgle. “No problem!”, you say to yourself . You reach into your bag and grab a protein bar. You then proceed to pat yourself on the back for making such a healthy choice.
Or was it? Builder’s Bar, for example, packs 20 grams of sugar into 270 calories. Compare that to two Twix bars: 281 calories and 27 grams of sugar. Not too far off, right? Personally, I would have rather eaten the Twix instead. Protein bars are also known for being packed with artificial sweetners. More on those little devils in a future post.
So which protein bars are friends, and which are foes? First, look for lower calories. Some bars contain as many as 400, so be careful. Unless you’re trying to pack on some serious weight, you should go for no more than 200 calories. Second, look for a variety with low sugar and a low carb to protein ratio (that is, higher protein and fewer carbs). Lara bars and Quest bars are my favorite. Additionally, you should consider eating “real” food, if you have it available. String cheese, yogurt, fruit, or a small serving of Triscuits or Almonds are good choices.

“Healthy” Desserts
Nobody can be good all the time. Here are some options that won’t completely kill the healthy eating you’ve been doing when you’re in the mood for a little splurge.

1. Artic Zone Frozen Dessert in Mint Chocolate Cookie
This is my absolute favorite dessert product invention in the history of dessert. You can polish off the entire pint and only do 150 calories worth of damage PLUS get 14 grams of protein. The Mint Chocolate Cookie is the best flavor, followed by the Chocolate Peanut Butter. The Maple Vanilla is questionable. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t taste like Haagen Dazs. But for 150 calories, you’d be getting a little greedy if that is what you were expecting.

2. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
Grab a handful (35 beans) for 140 calories. The downside? 28 grams of sugar and zero nutritional value. I have a weakness for the Buttered Popcorn variety, but with the brand’s signature 49 flavors you’re sure to find something that floats your boat.

3. Pudding
Yes, your childhood favorite is still an acceptable adult treat. Jell-O’s pudding cups with only cost you 90 calories, and they sure are GOOD.

4. Grilled Pineapple
But wait, that’s fruit! True, but cutting up a nice pineapple and tossing it on the grill is easy, delicious, and nutritious. It sweetens up a little more that way, too. It is especially appropriate with summer just around the corner, so you can embrace barbeque season and look good doing it.

5. PB2
Like peanut butter, but trying to restrict calories? Give this powdered wonder a try. You heard right: powdered peanut butter, just mix with a little water. A two tablespoon serving is 45 calories. It comes in regular or a Nutella-esque chocolate version.