Elections for MLS Student Officer Positions & USCA for the Armed Forces

Elections for next school year’s MLS leadership will occur in the next few weeks.  The positions available are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 
All students on the listserv (i.e. anyone receiving this email) may vote.
If you are interested in running, email mls.at.mcgeorge@gmail.com with a list of the positions you would like to run for, in order of preference.  You may apply for more than one position.   Only paid members can be elected; if you haven’t paid the $10 dues, you can pay them by next Thursday and still apply.
Submissions must be received by 6:00 PM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24.  We will hold elections the following week.
As always, let us know if you have any questions.
US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces 
On Wednesday, April 6, the US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces will hear argument in the Lecture Hall from 2-4 p.m.   All are invited to attend. 
This Article 1 Court oversees the military justice system for all services and is composed of  five civilian judges appointed for 15-year terms by the President with advice and consent of the Senate.  Opinions of this Court are appealable to the US Supreme Court. 
The case to be heard involves the possession of child pornography charged under the UCMJ’s general article 134 for service discrediting acts and whether there exists a “per se service discrediting” doctrine such that the prosecutor need not prove that element of the offense.
As part of this outreach effort by the Court, two of our second-year students, who have been accepted into Navy JAG,  will have the opportunity to file an amicus brief and one student will present argument for up to 10 minutes.   
After visiting our law school, the Court will travel to Stanford and hear argument on that campus before returning to Washington, DC.                
More details will follow as we get closer to the date. 
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