Switzerland and Disneyland

My co-workers and I joke that Switzerland is like Disneyland because the prices are inflated and there’s the Matterhorn.  My roommate and I spent the weekend hiking in Zermatt, which is famous for the Matterhorn.

My roommate and I didn’t understand the appeal of the Matterhorn.

But that didn’t stop us from taking dozens of photos of it.

We went on two hikes over the weekend. The first day, we got completely lost and had to take a detour. Good thing all the detours had a view of the Matterhorn.

The first hike was to a lake and through the forest.

There was a race on our second day of hiking. The race included roller blading up a mountain, swimming through a lake, biking up a mountain, then running up to the top of another mountain. I’m not making this up.

More of the Matterhorn

At the very top!

Shopping for lunch went like this:

Gabby: What do you want for lunch?

Me: Meat.


About Yen

Hello! I am a third year law student. This summer I am interning at International Bridges to Justice, a legal non-profit in Geneva. In the Fall, I will be interning for Judge Pocar at the ICTY in The Hague.


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