SBA Meeting Minutes 3.13.16

SBA Meeting 3/13/16
• Attendance: Brittany, Nicole, AJ, Bahar, Mary, Keegan, Jordan, Tyler, Crystal, Derek
• Absent: Chanel, Jess, Courtney
• Called to Order at 5:05 PM
• AJ: Anything to add to the agenda? We’ll be discussing the elections at the end of the meeting.
• AJ: We’ll approve minutes from last week next time because they were sent out late.
• AJ: Tyler, do you know if Tom has been working on the smoking on campus stuff?
• Tyler: We’re both busy, so we haven’t had time.
• AJ: I’ll ask Tom to come in next meeting and talk about it. We might defer to next board.
• AJ: I think that Michelle Evans is supposed to come in and talk about Wellness Week.
• Nikki: I wanted to talk about the email Bahar sent out regarding our budget. But I can’t remember what I wanted to talk about. I’ll bring it up when I remember.
• AJ: Wellness Week is this week. If you can participate, you all should. Therapy dogs will be on Thursday. Wellness fair is tomorrow and there will be a lot of free stuff. Tuesday is working out with Vitiello, a talk about stress, smoothie bike. Wednesday is coloring in the CDO and Davies is going Yoga. Thursday is where we will need participation with Minute to Win It. I heard it’s fun.
• Mary: *passes out flyers for Wellness Week.
• AJ: Thursday night is comedy night.
• Nicole: Last year, there was really good food and drinks.
• AJ: Yes, it was a good time last year.
• AJ: Next up, Anna Rose Fischer Award
• Crystal: Jess and I are working on our Senior stuff. Rebekah told us about the Anna Rose Fischer award. The seniors vote for the faculty member of the year. Anna Rose worked for the school and went above and beyond. It’s up to SBA if we put money up to it.
• Crystal: It has to be someone who has worked here the entire year. If they were fired they cant’ get it. Jess and I thought it would be nice if we do $100 bucks—they can get the award and a little money.
• AJ: 3Ds and 4Es vote.
• Crystal: Is it separate than club funding?
• AJ: Yes.
• Crystal: Can we do the voting now?
• Bahar: What’s the money for?
• AJ: It’s for the person who wins.
• AJ: Are there any motions?
• Crystal: I move to fund $100 to the ARF award to the faculty member who wins.
• Mary: Second.
• Tyler: Is the funding separate from club funding?
• AJ: Yes
• AJ: All in favor to fund? *Unanimous
• AJ: As it is without claw back, there is $641?
• Bahar: Yes, it’s counting everything we had transferred. Including all the stuff from last week—close to $9k.
• Derek: What claw backs are we looking for?
• Bahar: LLSA, JBC, and SELS. I will transfer that on Tuesday. We have $641, I don’t know the amount we have exactly because of Barristers. Has everything came out yet?
• Nikki: No, everything hasn’t. Keri had to pay out of pocket for the DJ. So she’s waiting for her reimbursement. Meghan paid out of pocket for alcohol. There’s probably about $1k going back to reimbursements.
• Bahar: As far as reserves and class events, we have about $2k. But I want to check after Barrister’s has all come out.
• AJ: We will still have funds to fund large scale events.
• Derek: We’re talking about taking money out of actual SBA and giving it to club events?
• AJ: The claw back finds will go back to club funding. Leftovers from Barristers will go into reserves.
• Mary: All we have left is ADR week for funding?
• Bahar: I haven’t gotten anything them.
• Crystal: For specific class events, is that their own things?
• AJ: Yes.
• AJ: There are funds for small events for your class. If you don’t do it, it doesn’t get included in the budget for 1L party, etc.
• Tyler: How much?
• Bahar: It’s so much per student.
• AJ: Anymore questions? We’ll go back to Michelle.
• Michelle: I don’t know what else to add. So just any other suggestions you have for promoting it. I know that this is a really big week for everyone. We’ve tried to design it so people can show up—get in, get out, and get something from it. Not a big commitment. It should be quality and fun.
• Michelle: Listening to you talking about budget, I think that having these Wellness activities happening throughout the year would be helpful. Just putting that thought out there.
• AJ: When budget planning happens for the next year, we can discuss it with the new treasurer and wellness committee head.
• Michelle: Any questions?
• AJ: For the minute to win it, it’s small groups of five right?
• Michelle: Yes, I know Ahnna was stressed out because people weren’t signing up in teams. We’re going to have treats so that wasn’t advertised. Let people know about it.
• AJ: Will there be food at comedy night?
• Michelle: Yes, there will. Wine law is helping with that too. Hopefully people like the comedian from last year.
• AJ: Anything else?
• AJ: Funding request. MILS
• Sarah Kanbar from MILS: As I mentioned a few weeks ago. We secured our speaker, John Washburn for April 12th at 5pm. He’s the person that got me, Alex McKay, and Prof. Carter to the Hague. I cant affirmatively say he’s looking for interns, but he is looking to expand to the west coast. He’s going to discuss how diplomacy works. It will be about US diplomacy abroad. It should be a good event. We’re asking for $225. We are going to serve appetizers. Sandwich trays from Costco, beverages, and desserts. I’m debating about going through bon apettit. We are opening it up to Davis students at well.
• Crystal: You have $470 in your account, are you going to use that for other events this year?
• Sarah: We are trying to save for next year because we don’t have a lot of members. We want to make sure that we have money for recruitment.
• Crystal: You’ll have start up funds next year that you can use for recruitment.
• AJ: So you’ll dip into your account if you don’t get full funding?
• Sarah: Yes.
• Derek: Have you had this event before?
• Sarah: No, this is his first time here.
• Nikki: Any thoughts?
• AJ: Motion on the table?
• Keegan: Motion for $150
• Derek: I’ll second.
• Crystal: I was going to say $100 because you can dip into your account.
• Keegan: Friendly amendment to $100 in funding.
• Derek: Second:
• AJ: All in favor to fund $100? *unanimous
• AJ: Ok, Legal music society.
• Derek: I know that Neil, Anton, and Bianca are passing around petitions to show interest. There wont be any MCLE credit because she is not an attorney and she cant talk about legal matters. So that’s out. Another issue last time was the amount of people plus the amount of money going out. So we are trying to get a legit head count—which no one actually comes in with and we just go off of faith and approve it. So we are trying to show that there is legit interest. But, I don’t know where they are with that.
• AJ: Well there’s one more meeting before the event so can they come in then?
• Derek: Yeah, they can come in.
• AJ: Technically on the 3rd.
• Derek: But I feel like the event is on the 15th and that’s cutting it close.
• AJ: I know that we decided to not have meeting on the 27th, can we meet anyway because it’s technically not spring break?
• Brittany: That’s Easter.
• Crystal: Can we do an online ballot?
• AJ: That’s an option.
• Bahar: Are you still asking for the amount you had in the funding request?
• Derek: Yes. The clubs aren’t sitting on a nest egg, we literally don’t have anything in our accounts.
• Crystal: Was there talk about having this be a class at McG?
• Derek: We are tying to see how it works. It’s a way of finding out if there is interest in sports and entertainment law. But that’s after the fact.
• Crystal: I was just trying to figure out if the school would put any money into it.
• Derek: As far as the price, she teaches at colleges. If you go to this you’re going to get a real educational experience. That’s all I got right now.
• Mary: So for fees, that’s $1000 dollars?
• Derek: Yeah.
• Mary: Where would we get this money from?
• AJ: Reserves and claw back.
• Bahar: Have you guys talked to the main campus about help with funding?
• Derek: I know Neil was in contact with their music department. But I’m not sure, I can check up on that.
• Nikki: Could you potentially charge people $5 to get in?
• Derek: But you could lose interest from that.
• Nikki: It could be an idea because we charge for other events on campus that are 3+ hours and people pay for those.
• Bahar: Maybe you guys can do $5 students and another price for alumni. Open it up to alumni and have the Alumni Relations office send out a flyer for the event.
• Derek: Yeah, that’s something to think about.
• Crystal: Nothing from the CDO?
• Derek: No. That’s all I have. I can get more info and post it online.
• AJ: We do have to motion for the online ballot.
• Crystal: When is the last day for on time requests?
• AJ: Next week.
• Crystal: Can we wait for that? Since we have such a tight budget I wanted to wait and see if other clubs would ask.
• Derek: Well I know that ADR is going to come in. I know that JLSA is coming in for Passover. Didn’t LLSA say that they are going to claw back $3k?
• AJ: Yeah they did.
• Derek: I feel like we’ll end up with a surplus.
• AJ: I think we might as well.
• Crystal: Motion to move to an online ballot.
• Bahar: Second.
• *Everyone approves
• Derek: I can get you more info by the 21st.
• AJ: So that will come out during spring break with a 2-day voting period.
• AJ: Next, I wanted to talk about elections. . We can’t have any actual SBA members on the board because of conflict of interest. The all candidates meeting is going to happen on March 30, the petitions will go until April 5. April 5-15 is campaigning. The elections committee will decide if we have a debate. Voting will take place on the 15, 16, 17, 18 and results will be announced on the 19th.
• Nikki: I’ve been talking to Suliman and there hasn’t been a ref for basketball games. Suliman said it was because they didn’t have enough money to pay. They asked for $60 a game and we can only give $40. Manoah says that it has turned into pick up basketball. It sucks because it has been going on for awhile at McG and we don’t want it to end because we cannot pay the refs. Next year that we need to have a better budget to hire a ref.
• Derek: They had a budget, right?
• Nikki: But a lot of that went to the Cal game.
• AJ: Whoever is going to be the head of it next year, it needs to be on their radar the entire year and they need to get refs early. I talked to Suliman a lot in the fall about getting a ref.
• Nikki: I feel like he was forced to do it because there wasn’t any interest. If someone else who is really into it is the committee head, it could be different. So funding them more is something I wanted to bring up.
• AJ: That is definitely something to bring up next year. So, anything else?
• AJ: Motion to adjourn?
• Nikki: Motion to adjourn.
• Bahar: Second.
• AJ: All in favor?
• *unanimous

About Anthony Crisostomo

Student Bar Association President 2015 - 2016

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