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SBA Meeting Minutes 1.10.16

SBA Meeting 1.10.16

Attendance: Anthony, Nicole, Jordan, Brittany, Crystal, Jess, Courtney, Derek, Mary, Keegan

Absent: Tyler


Call to Order

Approve Agenda for 1/10/16

Chanel motion to approve

Courtney Seconds



Approve Minutes from 11/8/15

Mary motion to approve

Derek seconds



Spring Semester Expectations

AJ Meeting dates: You all have the meeting dates now so it’s expected to be there. Brittany brought up a good point about spring break spring break technically starts march 18th and goes the next week. Would you rather have a meeting the week during spring break or the weekend at the end?

Everyone: The last weekend is ideal.

Mary: It’s Easter that weekend

AJ: Does anyone have an alternative it cannot be 20th because it’s the weekend in the middle and easter is the following weekend.

Brittany: What if we have the 6th and the 13th?

Chanel: I may not be able to make it because it’s my brothers birthday.

AJ: If it’s an absence in advance just let me know

Bahar: So change the 20th to the 13th.

AJ: Yes. So if you need to be absent please let me know in advance. I know the every other week thing throws everyone off so now that everyone has the dates let me know if you have to be absent. Now let’s move on to Half way there.

Courtney: Half way there will be on the 22nd at Blue Prynt.

AJ: Keegan since you’re new this party is for the half way there party. For 2L’s, 2E’s and 3E’s. The real point for this is to determine who will be there to help pass out the tickets and such. We need two individuals to help pass out ticket and check people in.

Crystal: I can do that on the 22nd.

Courtney: You are more than welcome to participate after your duties are done.

Derek: It starts at 6:30. It runs 3 hours to 9:30. We’re doing light appetizers, Mary has the list.

Courtney: We have a photo booth and karaoke.

Derek: So think of songs you want to sing. Two drink tickets per person, plenty of food.

Bahar: Are they providing the food?

Mary: Yes they are

Derek: Lists the foods – sounds yummy. Drink tickets get domestic beer and house wine.

Brittany: Send a description to the CSO so we can put it in the docket.

AJ: So I talked to Derek, Courtney and Mary but all other participating members get your class excited. It’s fun and you’re not going to get many other opportunities to hang out with all of your classmates. Encourage everyone to go.

Keegan: Who’s in charge of this for next year?

AJ: 2D, 2E and 3E rep. You will be planning the 1L party along with Tyler.

Diversity Committee Meeting

Brittany: Their meeting’s are always at the time I had class last semester.

Jess: Dean Simmons organized it, it went well. There’s another one coming up and everything is set for diversity week. It is Monday the 1st through the 5th. Wednesday is the food fair where we raise money for the diversity scholarship. We are almost at our goal from what I hear. Every organization that is participating event will be there. There will be a fashion show, jazz show etc. There’s still room if other people would like to participate.

AJ: It’s not just ethnic related so if any organization that would like to participate just let Dean Simmons or Professor Bricker know. Are there any questions or concerns?

Jess: It is either the 13th, 14th or 15th determined by everyone’s availability.

AJ: Let us move onto our funding request.

Trial Advocacy Association and Moot Court Funding Request:

Jennifer Gee, Michael Shepard and Katherine Baldwin

Jennifer Gee: Pretty sure you’re all familiar with the 1L competition. We are trying to do a kick off barbecue with both Trial Ad and Moot court. This way we can tell them about the competition and the benefits to the students and getting experience speaking in front of judges. We were hoping we could get SBA’s help with food. I talked to Kevin and he said it would be $10.50 per person. We were estimating about 50 students so about 80-100 so about $1,050 in total so it would be carried by both Moot Court and Trial Ad. As a thank you for helping to support our event we will change our flyers to add your logo. Professor Bricker said she would help with the flyer for us.

Jordan: Is that food for the barbecue or also the workshop?

Katherine: This will be only for the barbecue.

AJ: So this $600 being requested by trial ad is different?

Katherine: Separate thing.

Jennifer: It’ll be $525 per club.

Derek: What does the Moot Court have in the budget?

Jennifer: We don’t have any money right now we only help students and don’t have any dues. We are mostly here offering free support for students and improve your advocacy skills.

Katherine: The disparity we just got the estimate from Bon Appetite yesterday.

Jennifer: We haven’t finalized anything yet.

AJ: So let’s say we grant in full, so $525 off of each club.

Nikki: So the funding request is amended to $1,050

Courtney: How much has each club asked for?

Bahar: Moot court has not asked for any money but Trial Ad has requested about $600.

AJ: What is our amount we have designated for student organization?

Bahar: $13,500, last semester we went over $900 but we have reserves. I don’t think there’s any other huge events like last year.

AJ: there’s LLSA, BALSA

Chanel: How many people went last year

Jennifer: This is our first year doing it.

AJ: What time is the evening part of the barbecue?

Jennifer: About 5-5:15

AJ: It is on Thursday.

Jordan: Evening students will be in around 5:30

AJ: Is there already promotion for this?

Katherine: It’s sort of dependent on this, so we have been waiting for this.

Jennifer: It’ll be Facebook and the docket.

AJ: The one thing is if it were outside you would get more 1L’s but because it’s in a classroom and it’s raining on Thursday I don’t know if planning for 100 is prudent.

Keegan: Well a lot of people have been attending events. If you guys advertise it you’ll get a lot.

AJ: I would aim a little higher for lunch and a little lower for dinner. I don’t know if equaling 100.

Jennifer: What about 60 and 25?

AJ: You may catch some people who have to read between the class. So with all the economic concerns and attendance concerns.

Chanel: I move for $900 with a claw back of other expenses.

Mary: Second



Trial Ad Funding Request: Katherine Baldwin

Katherine: I’m here for the 1st year competition. We are currently ranked top 10 nationally. It’s an abbreviated mock trial competition, we give them an opportunity to come to a workshop. It’s pretty much objection free. It’s sort of a get your feet wet and see if this is something that they want to do. It’s also a way for the team to see the talent that is coming in before they try out next week. Our funding request is for printing cost, light lunch for both preliminary rounds (lunch for volunteers on Saturday) and the same thing for coaches as well. They come in and judge the final round and so we provide lunch for the actual coaches that come in, we usually do Panera boxes. This is mostly for administrative cost of hosting the event.

AJ: Do you have a break down of expenses?

Katherine: I do not have a physical break down.

Derek: How much did it cost last year

Katherine: I was not part of it last year and the person who ran last years event has not returned phone calls. There will be a barbecue at the end of the competition. So we’re going to start with the barbecue, then do the mock trial competition and then closing barbecue to encourage students to go onto Moot Court.

AJ: So that will also cover the barbecue.

Katherine: Yes.

AJ: So that would probably happen on what date?

Katherine: The same Saturday as the final rounds.

AJ: You have $300 in your account?

Katherine: We actually have $500. We did not charge dues this year.

AJ: Do you have the money in the account for reserve?

Katherine: We have been doing workshops and such during the semester and we do not have a lot of income since we’re not doing dues.

Mary: Are any of the reserve funds being used for the events?

Katherine: Anything that doesn’t get funded will come out of the account. We try to be conservative with our funding request.

Courtney: You have more events planned?

Katherine: Yes, we have more interaction with 1L’s and many workshops planned.

Derek: Will you be requesting anything

Bahar: $1,000

Jordan: I’m going to make a comment and a motion, I think as Katherine said the trial ad program at McGeorge is the best thing this school has going for it. We’re in top 10 for trial ad at something like 150 on school rank so if we’re going to save money somewhere this should not be it. With that said I make a motion to fund in full.

Jordan: Motion to fund in full

Chanel: Second

Courtney: Opposed

Vote in favor: Jordan, Brittany, Crystal, Jess, Derek, Mary, Keegan

Mary and Nicole Abstain


Intellectual Property Funding Request:

AJ: The person making the request is sick so she could not be here today. This request is for funding request. From my understanding there are a lot more IP people than it looks. There is $125 spent on gifts.

Chanel: For the non-traditional JD panel the gifts for guest speakers were taken from officer’s pockets.

AJ: Are there any questions we need to ask Beyonca? Any motions on the table.

Courtney: Motion to fund $220 for IP week with none of the money spent on gifts.

Nikki: Second



Barrister’s Ball

Nikki: For Barrister’s it’s February 27th. It will be at Capital Plaza Hall.

Jordan: Whereabouts is that?

Nikki: We have more fun information. Ticket’s should be $50 so they will be less. Catering is through the venue it will be around $7,200 and dessert is $700. There’s a corkage fee, so we can buy our own booze. We need to hire security so we will be hiring campus safety. The contract has been signed and sent but the business office has not sent the money to them so we have contacted them to get that rolling. We’re meeting this week to nail down decoration costs. The theme will be Old Hollywood. I’m open for any ideas on decorations. The rental fee for the hall was $2,100. Last year it was about $14,000 and this year will be about $11,000.

AJ: Sports and Activities committee if you can just touch base with Ryan and Suliman to get the word out about basketball ref. You will get a lot of people who are interested. Every Sunday there is a basketball league that meets at Sac high school.

Nicole: Mostly McGeorge students and friends.


Bahar: Motion to adjourn

Mary: Second



Chanel Saidi

Chanel Saidi is the SBA Secretary for the 2015-2016 term.

Published by
Chanel Saidi

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