Getting Ready for the Fall Semester

Early action items

Don’t forget to sign up for your clinics by May 31!

Also as you begin mapping out your academic schedule for the Fall, be sure to explore your options under Directed Research and the Rule 902 option for elective courses (see page 19).  Both of these options provided by McGeorge bring flexibility and an opportunity for you to sharpen your legal knowledge for the career you intend to pursue.  You will have to speak with Dean McGuire to pursue either of these options so I recommend you do that as soon as possible.

ABA Representative Position
I am now accepting applications for the American Bar Association (ABA) Representative position. Please send me a resume and a one pager no later than June 6th.  I will conduct interviews shortly afterwards.  The one pager should focus on your ideas of making use of ABA resources and your qualifications for the position.  The one pager of the individual I pick will be published to the student body so write it with them as your audience.  Send applications to

Orientation Week and Student Mentorship Program
If you are interested in participating in orientation with the incoming class, please feel free to contact me and let me know to what extent you would like to be involved.  Orientation begins in early August.  I am also working on our student to student mentorship program (more on that below), so if you are interested in mentoring incoming students, please contact me.

Focusing on Creating Professional Opportunities and Building a McGeorge Community

Shortly before and immediately following finals I began meeting with our Dean and our Assistant Deans as well as the Directors who handle all the different aspects of McGeorge life such as facilities and grounds, career development, technology, academics, and library resources. I shared with them my campaign goals so I can begin a dialogue on how we can work together to make things happen.

In regards to our student community, I am working on a student to student mentorship program that builds off the work that last year’s Rep-at-Large Monika Troike started with the FYI program. A critical goal will be coming up with a comprehensive strategy to engage incoming students early so that they know they have students here who want to be a resource to them.  As with everything the SBA Board will be working on in the coming months, your ideas and your input are encouraged.

During the campaign one student mentioned to me that I was the first (this was in March 2014) senior student to have sat down with him and talked at length about his time at the school and his concerns. I took that to heart and intend to make sure that does not happen again.  This program will need money, so I think most of the $1500 from the President’s stipend that I am returning to the SBA budget will go to this effort.  I will also need a group of senior students to volunteer to be student to student mentors. As I mentioned before, I will be personally participating in this program. Please contact me over the summer if you want to participate as well.

As for alumni mentoring, do not hesitate to use the summer to make use of the system already built by the CDO. In addition to currently existing resources, I am working with the CDO team and some of our professors to find more ways to connect you with your alumni since they will be your best opportunity to find employment. We have had some very productive conversations to start and I am hopeful about what can be developed over the summer to execute by Fall.

Next Steps for Your Student Government

On May 30th the new student clubs will be registered and if you are a point of contact for your club, expect to hear from me as I would like to set up lunch, coffee, or a conference call (whichever is most convenient) between your board and myself and members of the SBA Board. It is important to start planning for the Fall now so that we on the SBA Board can see what ways we can be a partner to support your efforts.  I will also begin reaching out to alumni over the summer so knowing more about the work you plan to do will help me help you get connected.

Our next meeting will be primarily focused on brainstorming ways we can improve our school and student life through the institution of SBA. We don’t have a date scheduled yet but it will be after June summer finals.  Each member of the SBA Board will have an opportunity to propose changes to student government so that it can be more effective and responsive to the student body.  You are more than welcome to share your ideas with any of us now and through the summer as this marks the beginning of the process.

About Ernesto Falcon

Ernesto Falcon is the Student Bar Association President for the 2014-2015 term. His goals are to help build a McGeorge student community and to maximize the professional opportunities for students.
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